//Little Sweet Candy
chinese new year....
Monday, January 30, 2012 | 7:18 AM | 0 ♥ Sweet Candy

currently at : umah ija kt tingkt 3....so dgn jelasnye nmpk firework letup2....firework 2 dtg eh villa kt sblh ni...umah org kye2....dgn bnggenye die meletupkn bunge api 2....choi!smpn skit tok aq la rye t....huhu...yg peliknye npe rye skunk nk kne ad mercun2 la...bunge api la....bkn murah2 tau....wtpew nk letup2kn...kemeriahannye hnye smntre.....hurm xphm2....xpewlakn dowang kye....ad wet tok bzir2...wah cre ckp cm skt ati je...hahaha...xla!mne ad!redha niey.....=)

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♥ in titanic ♥

Daisypath Anniversary tickers (!)
♥ sweet candy ♥


♥ Credits To ♥

Skin By Little Miss : //Suhaila Roslan
Edit by You : Nurul Azam